Fees & Categories
5KM 歡樂共融組
Joyful Together Group

男/女個人Men/Women Solo
12 years old or above, born in 2012 or later-calculated by year
親子組Parent-child Team
6-12歲小童+一位18歲或以上親友 Children aged 6-12 + one relative or friend aged 18 or above
中學校際組Inter-school Team
1位老師+3位學生或4位學生 1 teacher + 3 students or 4 students
長幼共融組Inter-Generation Integration Team
1位60歲-75歲+1位12-30歲 1 participant of 60-75 years old + 1 participant of 12-30 years old
企業及團體組Corporate and Group Category
四位組成,不分男女組別 Composed of four participants, regardless of men or women categories
16KM 膽粗粗Hill雄組
Brave Hill Hero Group

男/女個人Men/Women Solo
少年組: 12-19歲 / 公開組: 20-39歲 / 壯年組: 40-59歲/先進組: 60歲或以上
Junior Category: Age 12-19 / Open Category: Age 20-39 / Senior Category: Age 40-59 / Master Category: Age 60 or above
四人隊Team of 4
男子/混合及女子組 Men/Mixed&Women
傷健四人組 (兩位健全人士和兩位殘疾人士組成 (持有有效殘疾證)
Team of disabilities (2 able-bodied + 2 of disabilities with valid disability card)
30KM Hill雄終極挑戰組
Hill Hero Challenge Group

男/女個人Men/Women Solo
少年組: 12-19歲 / 公開組: 20-39歲/ 壯年組: Age 40-59歲/先進組: Age 60歲或以上
Junior Category: Age 12-19 / Open Category: Age 20-39 / Senior Category: Age 40-59 / Master Category: Age 60 or above
四人隊Team of 4
男子/混合及女子 Men/Mixed&Women